BBA Program Accreditation
In the field of business education, accreditation plays a crucial role in ensuring quality and standardization of programs. Accreditation organizations evaluate schools and programs based on specific criteria to determine if they meet the necessary standards. Choosing a properly accredited Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program is essential for continuing your education and landing your dream job, as many graduate degree programs and companies require BBA degrees from accredited institutions. For BBA programs, several accrediting agencies are recognized for their rigorous evaluation processes and commitment to academic excellence. Here, we highlight some of the major accrediting agencies for BBA programs.
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Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
- Founded: 1916
- Headquarters: Tampa, Florida, USA
- Mission: AACSB’s mission is to foster engagement, accelerate innovation, and amplify impact in business education.
- Accreditation Criteria: AACSB accreditation focuses on quality assurance and continuous improvement through a rigorous peer review process.
- Recognition: AACSB is one of the oldest and most prestigious accrediting agencies for business schools worldwide, accrediting less than 5% of the world’s business programs.
- Website:
Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
- Founded: 1988
- Headquarters: Overland Park, Kansas, USA
- Mission: ACBSP’s mission is to promote continuous improvement and recognize excellence in the accreditation of business education programs around the world.
- Accreditation Criteria: ACBSP focuses on teaching excellence, student learning outcomes, and continuous improvement.
- Recognition: ACBSP is known for its focus on teaching and learning excellence in business education.
- Website:
International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE)
- Founded: 1997
- Headquarters: Lenexa, Kansas, USA
- Mission: IACBE’s mission is to advance academic quality in business education through collaborative accreditation.
- Accreditation Criteria: IACBE evaluates business programs based on a comprehensive set of standards focusing on outcomes assessment, strategic planning, and academic quality improvement.
- Recognition: IACBE is known for its student-centered approach and commitment to continuous improvement in business education.
- Website: